Total Ag Core Customer Survey Your Name Your Email (Please fill out your name and email if you want to go in the draw to win the brushcutter) Post Code/City How long have you been dealing with the business? Tick what type of customer you would consider yourself (required) —Please choose an option—Core/LoyalSemi-RegularFollows Specials Please select the number that applies to you, ten being exceeded expectations, and one being substantially below expectations Are you satisfied with the brands that Total Ag Solutions offers? 12345678910 Comments: Which of the below teams at Total Ag Solutions have you dealt with? SalesPartsServiceAdmin Which of these areas do you think could be improved on the most? (Tick as many as required) Sales Sales PricingSales Customer ServiceSales Product KnowledgeSales Stock AvailabilitySales Response Time on InquiriesSales Advertising of Special Deals Parts Parts PricingParts Customer ServiceParts Product KnowledgeParts Stock AvailabilityParts Response Time on InquiriesParts Advertising of Special Deals Service/Workshop Service PricingService Customer ServiceService Product KnowledgeService Stock AvailabilityService Response Time on InquiriesService Advertising of Special Deals When you think of purchasing Agricultural machinery, which company comes to mind? Write Here: Which of the following forms of media have you seen or heard Total Ag Ads? (Can tick multiple) News PaperRadioTelevisionOnlineFacebookFlyer/Catalogue Where do you spend the marjority of your time? (Can tick multiple) News PaperRadioTelevisionOnlineFacebookFlyer/Catalogue Have you been to any of the below websites to research products? (Can tick multiple) KubotaDeutz FahrVersatileJohn DeereNew HollandTotal Ag If you would like to provide additional feedback, please use the space below: We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this survey to help us make Total Ag Solutions a business that suits our customer's needs. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please call Amy on 036241511 or email [email protected]